Friday, July 29, 2022

Things to Donate to the Homeless Besides Money and Food

In my book, "I Wish I Had Those Gasoline Pellets," I talk about how former Air Force Captain Oley Washington Jr.'s struggle with amnesia. While losing critical events in his life, he eventually became homeless and made ends meet by dumpster diving.

While the book is fictional in a sense, the problem of homelessness is still very much real. If you are considering helping but don't have any extra money or food to spare, here are some handy things you can donate instead:

·     New underwear and socks. High-quality clothes are hard to come by, resulting in many substituting low-quality items as a compromise. Unfortunately, low-quality clothes get frayed and torn quickly, eventually leading to more clothing issues. Fortunately, people can donate quality underwear and socks in their original packaging. By offering these very basics, they can ensure these individuals are comfortable.

 ·         Toiletries. A lot of homeless people have limited access to bathrooms. Without regular access to showers, their hygiene routine often takes a hit, making them susceptible to illnesses and diseases.

 Nevertheless, we can still make it easier for them by offering a care package of toiletries. Items like soap, shampoo, nail clippers, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products can go a long way in making someone's day better.

 ·         Reusable containers. On the lucky days they can eat, some people may find it beneficial to store their food for later consumption. Unfortunately, the lack of access to containers makes it difficult for them to keep their food. This problem could lead them to eat their food in one sitting or potentially risk having it stolen.

 ·         Clothes for cold weather. Lack of clothing access can make it difficult to live through the winter. When left unprotected, they can become susceptible to illnesses, making it harder to get back on their feet. If you have some spare winter clothes, consider donating them to a homeless shelter to keep them warm during the cold months.

One of the most unfortunate circumstances is when a person has no place to call home. With the constant threat of danger in today's society, many destitute individuals may feel unwanted in society. Nevertheless, we can still offer kindness and compassion by improving their day with these handy gifts. After all, every step counts.

by Carl Kegerreis

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