Sunday, July 10, 2022

A Hint of Danger from Gasoline Pellets

Government Energy Commissioner, Kyle Hampter, realized at once that he was on the edge of living dangerously during his meeting in Washington DC with Lester King, the owner of East and West Global Oil Industries. There was a hint of menace emanating from the man. The stack of thousand-dollar bills offered to him as a bribe confirmed his suspicion that Mr. King was used to getting his way. Kyle had to come clean. He revealed to Mr. King that a vagrant with amnesia, Captain Oley Washington Jr., was linked to the miraculous conversion of water into gasoline in many areas of Detroit. Two heavily-armed henchmen hovered over them as Mr. King left the restaurant.

A Sobering Revelation

The meeting with Mr. King sobered Kyle Hampter.  After a few days of mulling over, he asked for a meeting with the FBI head and the other concerned parties, Oley and the husband-and-wife tandem of Haywood and Lilly Runyan. He laid down on the table the information about his meeting with Mr. King. Everyone in the meeting appreciated Kyle’s candidness and the gravity of the situation. The danger now had a face.

More Hints of Trouble

Haywood and Lilly Runyan who were instrumental in bringing back Oley to the fold of society could not have anticipated that their small act of mercy could bring danger to themselves. After leaving the meeting with Kyle, they went straight home but found, to their consternation, their house ransacked. Somebody desperately wanted the gasoline pellets Haywood took from Oley and was taking all means necessary to retrieve them. Could this diabolical work be orchestrated by Mr. King?

Kegerreis’s Mischievous Tale

The tension continues to ratchet upward in Carl Kegerreis’s I Wish I Had Those Gasoline Pellets. Will the protagonists Haywood, Lilly, and Oley make it to the finish line? Or will the evil designs of those who want to control the world’s energy sources prevail? What is certain is that we cannot wait to see the end. 

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