Friday, July 29, 2022

Things to Donate to the Homeless Besides Money and Food

In my book, "I Wish I Had Those Gasoline Pellets," I talk about how former Air Force Captain Oley Washington Jr.'s struggle with amnesia. While losing critical events in his life, he eventually became homeless and made ends meet by dumpster diving.

While the book is fictional in a sense, the problem of homelessness is still very much real. If you are considering helping but don't have any extra money or food to spare, here are some handy things you can donate instead:

·     New underwear and socks. High-quality clothes are hard to come by, resulting in many substituting low-quality items as a compromise. Unfortunately, low-quality clothes get frayed and torn quickly, eventually leading to more clothing issues. Fortunately, people can donate quality underwear and socks in their original packaging. By offering these very basics, they can ensure these individuals are comfortable.

 ·         Toiletries. A lot of homeless people have limited access to bathrooms. Without regular access to showers, their hygiene routine often takes a hit, making them susceptible to illnesses and diseases.

 Nevertheless, we can still make it easier for them by offering a care package of toiletries. Items like soap, shampoo, nail clippers, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products can go a long way in making someone's day better.

 ·         Reusable containers. On the lucky days they can eat, some people may find it beneficial to store their food for later consumption. Unfortunately, the lack of access to containers makes it difficult for them to keep their food. This problem could lead them to eat their food in one sitting or potentially risk having it stolen.

 ·         Clothes for cold weather. Lack of clothing access can make it difficult to live through the winter. When left unprotected, they can become susceptible to illnesses, making it harder to get back on their feet. If you have some spare winter clothes, consider donating them to a homeless shelter to keep them warm during the cold months.

One of the most unfortunate circumstances is when a person has no place to call home. With the constant threat of danger in today's society, many destitute individuals may feel unwanted in society. Nevertheless, we can still offer kindness and compassion by improving their day with these handy gifts. After all, every step counts.

by Carl Kegerreis

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Challenges Veterans Face When Readjusting to Civilian Life

Shifting from one aspect of your life to another is no easy feat; this is especially true for several veterans. Many in this demographic report the numerous issues they face once discharged from service and are encouraged to return as civilians.

Here are some of the challenges that many of them face:

·         Being unable to relate to civilians.

Soldiers who served away from home find solace in their comrades. When this connection halts—either from death or a person moving to a different state), these individuals often find it hard to relate to civilians who do not understand what it's like to live a soldier lifestyle.

·         Recreating connections with loved ones.

The truth is that several factors could cause several established relationships to change overnight. Factors like distance, sudden change of perspective, and trauma are just some examples of obstacles that could hinder veterans from reconnecting with their loved ones. If you know a veteran who has seemingly changed into a different person, remember to be patient with them. You can also help them readjust to civilian life one step at a time.

·         Adjusting to a new daily routine

Soldiers have a notorious rigid routine that doesn't always guarantee their survival. Veterans who are used to this structure may find it jarring to suddenly see other things to do since they are now back to being civilians. While it may not seem like a big deal to some, readjusting to a new environment can be difficult for individuals who may have deeper problems than we realize.

·         Potential trauma and other mental health issues

Being a soldier means witnessing death and being uncertain of whether or not you'll make it back alive. Veterans who were able to survive the chaos often suffer from several mental health issues that developed during their time of service. Some examples include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, Anxiety, and Substance or Alcohol Abuse Disorders.

Many veterans have sacrificed many of their lives for a more significant cause. Not only are they putting their lives on the line, but they also are risking their mental health and future. If you have a veteran relative experiencing these issues, consider contacting your local military and veteran service organizations to give them the support they need.

by Carl Kegerreis

Sunday, July 10, 2022

A Hint of Danger from Gasoline Pellets

Government Energy Commissioner, Kyle Hampter, realized at once that he was on the edge of living dangerously during his meeting in Washington DC with Lester King, the owner of East and West Global Oil Industries. There was a hint of menace emanating from the man. The stack of thousand-dollar bills offered to him as a bribe confirmed his suspicion that Mr. King was used to getting his way. Kyle had to come clean. He revealed to Mr. King that a vagrant with amnesia, Captain Oley Washington Jr., was linked to the miraculous conversion of water into gasoline in many areas of Detroit. Two heavily-armed henchmen hovered over them as Mr. King left the restaurant.

A Sobering Revelation

The meeting with Mr. King sobered Kyle Hampter.  After a few days of mulling over, he asked for a meeting with the FBI head and the other concerned parties, Oley and the husband-and-wife tandem of Haywood and Lilly Runyan. He laid down on the table the information about his meeting with Mr. King. Everyone in the meeting appreciated Kyle’s candidness and the gravity of the situation. The danger now had a face.

More Hints of Trouble

Haywood and Lilly Runyan who were instrumental in bringing back Oley to the fold of society could not have anticipated that their small act of mercy could bring danger to themselves. After leaving the meeting with Kyle, they went straight home but found, to their consternation, their house ransacked. Somebody desperately wanted the gasoline pellets Haywood took from Oley and was taking all means necessary to retrieve them. Could this diabolical work be orchestrated by Mr. King?

Kegerreis’s Mischievous Tale

The tension continues to ratchet upward in Carl Kegerreis’s I Wish I Had Those Gasoline Pellets. Will the protagonists Haywood, Lilly, and Oley make it to the finish line? Or will the evil designs of those who want to control the world’s energy sources prevail? What is certain is that we cannot wait to see the end. 

Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Marriage of Amnesia and Alzheimer’s Disease

Carl Kegerreis wrote a novel to foster the memory of his wife who passed away on March 1, 2021. Interestingly, the novel with the title I Wish I Had Those Gasoline Pellets has, as one of its protagonists, Captain Oley Washington Jr., a war hero who suffered from amnesia for more than ten years. Kegerreis’s wife fell victim to Alzheimer’s disease that is characterized by memory loss just like amnesia. In a sense, the book is a marriage of Alzheimer’s disease and amnesia. By writing the book, Kegerreis does not want readers to forget the people in their lives who have lost memories.

The curse of Amnesia

When a person has amnesia, his recollection of events before or after the onset of amnesia may be hazy or impaired. Captain Washington’s memories were lost because of the severe head beatings he got from the war protesters who were out for blood. It is called post-traumatic amnesia, a condition that results because of a serious injury to the head. There is no prescribed medical treatment for amnesia. Therapies to improve memory recall are suggested for patients as well as physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

The tragic Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is even more difficult to deal with. The presence of so-called neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques in the brain signal the presence of the disease. Nerve cells or neurons in the brain gradually lose connections to each other. The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is also not well understood. Symptoms first appear years after the onset of the disease. What is certain is that it leads to degeneration of memory and thinking skills, and eventually prevents a person from carrying out even the simplest of tasks.

Kegerreis’s Lilly Runyan

The author was able to immortalize sweet memories of his wife in the character of the vivacious, pretty, and indomitable Lilly Runyan. Lilly was instrumental in jogging Captain Oley’s memory. How we wish such a simple cure could be found for all persons afflicted with amnesia or Alzheimer’s disease. 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Gasoline Pellets and the Light at the End of the Tunnel

Kyle Hampter, the Government Energy Commissioner, stared with trepidation at the two men accompanying Lester King, the mogul of the oil company, East and West Global Oil Industries. He was looking forward to a cordial dinner meeting at Borger’s Dine and Wine Restaurant in Washington DC. The appearance of the two gunslingers at Lester’s side changed all of that. He could tell that they mean business. Lester’s veiled statement to Kyle not to cross him only added fuel to his misgivings. Kyle wondered whether he had bitten off more than he can chew by giving these men the time of day.

Water and Gasoline Pellets

The idea that water can be transformed into gasoline had shaken Mr. King to the core. He knew it could spell disaster for the oil industry of which he was a big part. The price of oil could dive and the profits would fly out of the window. The only recourse was to get hold of the scientific formula first and find a way to keep it out of the public eye. Kyle realized from Mr. King’s rant that he was determined to prove that water and gasoline pellets do not mix. 

Those Big Time Goons

Mr. King’s bodyguards, Monty Hellman and Tolly Sea-more botched an attempt to kidnap Father Pario, the priest at St. Treba Catholic Church in Detroit who officiated the baptismal rites where the water turned into gasoline. While attempting to escape, Tolly foolishly shot it out with the pursuing police authorities. Mortally wounded and on the verge of death, he pointed out Monty’s location inside the Detroit Mall. Monty was caught with his pants down and rounded up. Could this be the beginning of the end of their head honcho?

The author Carl Kegerreis has adroitly steered the plot of I Wish I Had Those Gasoline Pellets closer to a satisfying conclusion. More chilling surprises are in store for the reader, though, as the story winds down. 

Friday, July 1, 2022

Getting to the Bottom of a Conspiracy Theory

The distinguished war hero, Captain Oley Washington, Jr., was overcome with emotion when retired FBI operative, Haywood Runyan, informed him that over ten years had passed since his dad, the brilliant military scientist, Oley Washington, Sr., took his life. It was a crushing blow to Oley who felt deep inside that his father was not capable of such a mind-boggling act. What he can recall was that his father was embroiled in the US government’s Blue Book project that had something to do with pellets as energy sources. Could it be part of a bigger and more sinister conspiracy?

Kegerreis’s I Wish I Had Those Gasoline Pellets

Carl Kegerreis’s stunningly realistic work of fiction could not have come at a more opportune time. With the price of regular gasoline in the US vaulting over five US dollars per gallon because of the Russian-initiated war in Ukraine, ordinary citizens who are feeling the pinch cannot help but speculate that there is more to this crazy spiral than meets the eye. 

People have always gravitated to conspiracy theories when events take a wild turn or turn out for the worst. Kegerreis ably fills the void and keeps the readers on edge with a plot centered on green-yellow jellybean pellets that transform water into gasoline. 

The Popularity of Conspiracy Theories

One of the wildest conspiracy theories and one that titillated people’s imaginations for years on end is that the US moon landing never happened. It was allegedly staged in some Hollywood film studio. It got so bad that a 72-year-old Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, who, together with Apollo 11 mission commander Neil Armstrong, were the first astronauts to walk on the moon, had to punch a die-hard conspiracy theorist in the jaw.

Another conspiracy theory involved the cover-up of the crash of a flying saucer reportedly with alien bodies inside at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. It turned out to be a top-secret military balloon, the reason why it was being kept in the dark.

Conspiracy theories, like the above, give life to works of fiction, like Kegerreis’s.